

All sales over $99.00 will be shipped from our warehouse with no shipping charges applied.  All special orders over $99.00 will also be freight-free, even if your order is processed in multiple shipments. 


Tracking Your Order

You can quickly and easily track the progress of your shipped order via UPS:

  • Find the UPS tracking number in your shipping confirmation email.
  • Click on the tracking number link to view your item's tracking page on the UPS website. If clicking on the number doesn't work automatically, visit and enter your number to track your order shipment.

Multiple Item Orders

If your order includes several items, they may be sent to you in individual packages from different locations. If this is the case, you will receive an email notification as soon as each individual item is shipped to you. Each email will include the tracking number for that specific package and you will be able to track the progress of each item using the method outlined in Tracking Your Order, above.

Special Order Items

Special order items are subject to availability.  We make every effort to only publish items for special order that are available to us, relying on the most current information from the manufacturer.  But, in rare instances, the item(s) may be out of stock by the time our order is placed.  In this case we will refund in full any deposits you have paid for the special order item.

Special order items may be returned in new/unworn condition within 10 days from the original ship date from our warehouse.  Items must be returned with original packaging, labels and store tag attached, as well as a copy of the original receipt.


Rodeo Drive, Inc

2212C Holiday Manor Center, Louisville KY 40222

Monday - Friday 10am-5pm

Saturday 10am-5pm

Sundays Closed


Customer Service 502-425-8999

Email us: